BitDegree has partnered with Unstoppable Domains to proffer its web3 student ID via an Unstoppable NFT domain to millions of subscribers.
Those who participate web classes on BitDegree will get $50 for their very first NFT domain acessible for sale on Besides promoting them to shelter their web3 name as well as recognition on-chain, it will permit them to carry both their degrees and educational acomplishments through web3 applications and metaverse.
CEO and Co-Founder of BitDegree, Danielius Stasiulis, said that if the crypto community expands its knowledge, the assumption of web3 will become larger . It is for this basis, a major campaign is being commenced to get everyone’s concentration.Also, this could be the major“Learn&Earn” campaign in crypto’s history. The focus is on building the students to acquire the web3 digital identity since it is the finest time to acquire it.
BitDegree and Unstoppable Domains aim to award everyone who infuse in their web3 education. Moreover $50 million will be utilized for web3 education, as organised by Unstoppable and BitDegree for the special course, “NFT Domains: The Future of Web3 Identity.” Students will be educated about the hurdles based on digital identities, which will affix the absence of learning opportunities around the same.

This information is published by the NFT News media team.