Tinus Affiliate Program: Brought Fashion To Metaverse

Tinus Affiliate Program: Brought Fashion To Metaverse

Over Metaverse is a world-class platform that links the real and virtual worlds. By connecting the latest technologies of augmented reality and the Ethereum blockchain, it is able to bring an immersive virtual experience to anyone with a smart device and an internet connection.

Wherever there is fashion, there is bound to be a designer, and at any time one recognizes it. This is why the Tinus Affiliate Program exists. The program allows users to create clothing for others to buy and sell as NFTs in the Metaverse.

Not only can they create their own clothes, but they will be able to buy and wear original digital NFT creations designed by 3D artists and fashion houses. The plan is to establish itself as a reference point for dissemination of 3D creations from artists and fashion brands. It also supports freedom of expression through this forum by allowing stylists to create to their hearts content and users being able to patronize their favorite fashion brands.

The Over Metaverse will feature a dedicated space in the latest Over Marketplace just for fashion makers and brands. Creators and brands will have their own section where they can showcase their clothing, and users can buy clothes digitally.

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