Jack Butcher unveils handmade prints for multimillion NFT ‘Checks’ collection

Jack Butcher unveils handmade prints for multimillion NFT ‘Checks’ collection

Advertising specialist turned NFT expert Jack Butcher, famous for his “Checks VV NFT,” has unleashed a handmade collection termed Checks Elements in partnership with renowned and respected Los Angeles-based printer Milant of Cirrus Edition. The 152 collection draws motivation from “elements of the world.”

Handwritten Checks Elements

Jack Butcher’s 152 feature generative art collection is a motivation of four model components of earth, fire, water, and air. Every item in the collection follows an exclusive algorithm-created a compound of colors characterizing the elements to discover the connection between consensus and truth.

According to Butcher, Checks focuses on the consensus on the internet era and pre-internet consensus, different cultures, beliefs on creation theories, languages, and others fall on the four elements.

Butcher’s team created the new collection by modifying the original algorithm for the Checks VV collection by adding new parameters. The digital artist then used the services of Jean Robert Milant and Cirrus editions to give life to the NFTs and changed them to hand-drawn 30-inch by 43-inch monoprints produced through an on-chain SVG dossier nurtured by an outdated lithographic machine.

Creation of physical NFT

The personnel engraved the moniker four-by-four Check grid to the printer’s plate to produce the physical elements. The collection’s paint colors went into the system one by one as stipulated by algorithmic outputs designed by Butcher.  The end product was verified by Butcher’s fingerprint, with each fashioned with Ethereum-based NFT.

Butcher said, “The transformation of Checks to physical form never seemed as a continuation of the project’s DNA till Milant explained about the process.” He also acknowledged that the process showed similarities in a set of constraints which are then modified using the designed algorithm.

Butcher’s new project comes after the Checks project launched earlier this year, which created a surplus of $50 million. The “Alpha” components comprising water, air, and earth are set for a Christie’s auction that started on May 16, moving to May 23, with some amount collected sent as a donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The fire element will be delivered through a public auction taking 24 hours while shopping for physical prints commences on June 24.

Source: nft.news

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